Tuesday 13 July 2010

My Debut on People

My first ever blog! It's a bit weird actually, writing down my life on here. But maybe it'll be therapeutic?
Aren't people weird? Like generally. I can't work people out. One minute they're nice to your face, the next you hear they have told your next door neighbour you have three secret love children and a stack of debt from your college days.
Today, I saw an old friend...seemed nice enough, we had a nice chat. Then she starts totally laying in to her cousin for not devoting enough time to her. Makes me wonder how many other so called friends are doing this to me?

Then peoples social conditioning to always "Do the right thing." What's that all about? Sometimes the right thing is the wrong thing and then you're penalised for it. Today I let an older lady on the bus before me and she looked at me like I'd murdered her dog and was wearing it's fur as my coat!
Would she have looked at me the same way if I hadn't let her on the bus first?

And what is it with gossips? I live in a cul-de-sac so my neighbours are quite close knit. They are mainly retired and thus have nothing to do.
I have names for them. Wanna hear em?
There's "Mrs Pushchair." She minds children during the day for extra cash. So, if there is someone new in the street or a new car pulls up she doesn't recognise, she is straight outside like an olympic runner with that pushchair. Sometimes even without a child in it!
She started off as using the excuse of the child needing some fresh air, now it's the pushchair that needs air? Even in snow and hail!

Then there's her husband who I call "Mr Pushchair," who isn't as bad but it's just fun :o)
Then we have "Monkey," who I did not name, my other neighbour did. The reason for this name is because he does resemble and act very much like a monkey. Very funny to watch!

Now I realise this must make me look extremely nosey but I work from home so in my breaks I people watch, it's better than Channel 4 at lunchtime!

This Blog: From one gossip about multiple gossips lol.

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